Author: eyewide

Kos Yoga, an Increasingly Popular Pastime

Kos Yoga, an Increasingly Popular Pastime

No many islands inspire as much as Kos. Yoga is an increasingly popular activity here, with schools popping up everywhere, and instructors offering lessons by the beach, in parks, in special studios designed for hot yoga, and so on.

Kos Watermelons and the Melon Island

Kos Watermelons and the Melon Island

Long ago, Kos was famous for silk and wine, one a defunct industry, the other seeing a revival in recent years, with several wineries popping around the volcanic landscape of the island. And the island is still famous for its melons, which are still sold by the roadside in many villages, and heavily exported to […]

Kos Asklepion: In Hippocrates’s Footsteps

Kos Asklepion: In Hippocrates’s Footsteps

The Kos Asklepion dominates a hilltop overlooking the town, and Turkey in the distance. Its origins are traced back to 400 BC when, according to historians, it was raised as a healing temple dedicated to the god of medicine, Asclepius (Asklepios). It is the most important and beautiful archeological site on the island.